Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yποστηρίξτε τα ζωα της Φάρμας.. Support Farm Animals

hsi email masthead support farm animals pig
Σας μεταφέρουμε ανακοίνωση που λάβαμε απο τη Διεθνη  Ανθρωπιστική Κοινότητα
 Υποστηριξης Ζώων της Φάρμας...

help sows!
16 January 2012

Dear Aggelos,
We’re a few weeks into the New Year now--how are your 
resolutions going?
Unfortunately, some EU Member States are not doing well
 on one of theirs: improving the welfare of pigs by moving
 all breeding pigs into group housing systems. A Directive
 was adopted in 2001 to ban individual sow stalls from 1st
 January 2013 onwards. However, with just 350 days to
 comply, some producers still have a long way to go.
Sows’ movement in stalls is so restricted, they cannot even turn around for
 their entire gestation period of nearly four months. These intelligent, inquisitive
 animals are practically immobilised, unable to express their natural range of
 complex social, foraging, and exploratory behaviour. The barren stalls also
 lead to behavioural and health problems such as bar biting, foot and leg disorders,
 and infections.
Help to remind pig producers and EU decision-makers that the clock is ticking 
away and they must comply with the Pigs Directive by 1st January 2013. The 
 legislation is an important measure that can reduce suffering for thousands 
of pigs, but it only helps if it is properly implemented. We need your help—join
 us in the call to make sure these animal welfare measures are 
implemented on schedule.
Sign today----speaking up for these intelligent and sensitive animals is a
 resolution you can meet and cross off your list right now!
Thank you for taking action and for all you do for the animals,
Andrew Rowan
President and CEO
Humane Society International

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