Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dr. Nick Skrekas on Greece-Troika Austerity & Bailout Unpopular Failures...

r. Nick Skrekas, economist & lawyer speaks to RT on critical but volatile negotiations between the Greek "technocrat" administration and the Troika. How there are few choices. More failed draconian austerity or bankruptcy, economic implosion and a chaotic Eurozone exit. Why the Greek people have reached the outer limit of more toxic doses of austerity, and don't want privatization fire sales. Why the bailout policies have failed after almost two years of implementation and the failure of EU leaders to come to grips with the crisis. And why in both Greece and Germany there is disconnect with what the local people actually want. A live interview given to Mett Treza on Monday - 6 February 2012 - at 9.10 pm Athens time.

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