Sunday, April 8, 2012

AMΠOT -Στηρίζει τη λέσβια αδερφή του αλλα λεει όχι στο γαμο του ιδιου φύλου -ο ηγετης της αντιπολίτευσης

O αρχηγός της Αυστραλιανήςαντιπολίτευσης Τόνη Άμποτ θα συνεχίσει να αρνειται το γάμο των ομοφυλοφίλων,παρότι η αδελφή του εμανίστηκε σήμερα δημοσίως σαν λέσβια..
Η αδελφή του Χρηστίνα Φόρστερ ,47 ετων ανακοίνωσε ότι είναι σε σχέση με την  Βιρτζίνια Έντουαρντ.
Ο κ. Άμποτ χαιρέτησε την απόφαση της αδελφής του αλλα αρνήθηκε να στηρίξει την αλλαγή του νόμου υπέρ του γάμου των ομοφυλοφίλων ..
Ολόκληρη την είδηση στην Αγγλική καθως και όλες τις άλλες ειδήσεις διαβάστε εδώ
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is still opposed to same sex marriage despite his sister coming out publicly as a lesbian.
Tony Abbott's sister, Christine Forster, 47, has revealed she is in a relationship with Virginia Edwards.
"I have decided to publicly confirm that I am gay and am in a committed, live-in relationship with Virginia," Ms Forster told The Australian.
Ms Forster has been previously married and has four children.
Gay marriage advocates were hopeful Ms Forster's story would soften Mr Abbott's stance.
She has tried to convince Mr Abbott to change his mind about same sex marriage.
Mr Abbott has hailed his sister's bravery for coming out but says it won't shift his view.
"We've had a lot of interesting discussions and we'll keep those discussions going, but fundamentally I want to be a politician that keeps my commitments," Mr Abbott said.
"We went into the election with a position and as far as I'm concerned, that's the position we will keep."
Mr Abbott said he has grappled with the issue greatly.


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