Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Η Βουλευτής Maria Vamvakinou Mp μιλά για προγράμματα εργασίας στην περιοχή της ..

There will be hundreds of jobs and training opportunities on offer at the Jobs and Skills Expo in Broadmeadows on May 15.
The Expo is part of the Australian Government’s action plan to tackle unemployment and skills gaps in the Hume region and will be held at the Broadmeadows Leisure & Netball Centre from 10am — 3pm on Tuesday, 15 May.
Those interested in exhibiting can call 13 1158 or visitwww.humanservices.gov.au/expos.
Employers can contact their Local Employment Coordinator for the North Western Melbourne Priority Employment Area, Terry Kennedy on 0408 332 868 or
DEEWR: media@deewr.gov.au non-media enquiries: 1300 363 079

A series of Jobs and Skills Expos will be held across Australia as part of the Australian Government’s Building Australia’s Future Workforce package.
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