Monday, December 2, 2013

Μελβούρνη. Απο το Μάρτη είχαν να δουν τόσο ζέστη και ...τα πέταξαν όλα .HS HUMANS weren't the only ones going hopping mad in the heat today.

Απο τον περ. Μάρτη είχαν να δουν μια τέτοια ζεστή μέρα οι Μελβουρνιώτες (36οC)και επόμενο ήταν να ξεφαντώσουνκαι να τρέξουν, όσοι μπορούσαν στα παγωμένα ,ακόμη, νερά για να ξε'ίδρώσουν..΄και να πάρουν το πρώτο "χρωματάκι" τους. Την πρωτη δυνατ΄ζέστη της ζω΄ς του συνάντησε και ένα νεογέννητο Καγκουρώ και δοκίμασε τη θάλασσα κι αυτό  Ανάμεσά τους και αρκετοί Έλληνες αν και οι περισσότεροι εργάζονταν .. "Που καιρός για θάλασσα , μας είπε ο Γιωργος Αβτζόγλου ,διευθυντής στο  εργοστάσιο εσωρούχων  Georgies' Lingeries,στο Πρέστον . 'Παρα τα αιρκοντίσιον, η ζέστη ήταν αρκετα μεγάλη, αλλα έπρεπε να δουλέψουμε γιατί εν όψει των γιορτων και των διακοπών της Πρωτοχρονιάς οι παραγγελίες μας είναι πολλές."
  Άλλος συμπάροικος μας είπε ''καλά μην κάνουμε σαν τους.. Αυστραλούς που δεν πρόλαβαν να δουν λίγο ζέστη όλοι γι αυτο μιλούν.. !! Ενια μήνες μουχλιάσαμε... και στις 2-3 μέρες κάνουμε λές και είμαστε στη Σαχάρα..!! Εξ άλλου απο Τετάρτη πάλι σόμπα θα χρειαστούμε..."
Παρ όλα αυτα πάντα το καλοκαιρι είναι όμορφο και καιρός να δούμε τί ΄γράφει και η μεγαλύτερη εφημερίδα της Μελβούρνης Herald Sun για τα καυτά και άλλα.

HUMANS weren't the only ones going hopping mad in the heat today.
Beachgoers were surprised to see a joey spring into the surf at Mordialloc as the mercury soared to 36C in Melbourne, its highest temperature since March.
Reader Loren Shallies sent in these photos of a joey at Mordialloc Beach
Reader Loren Shallies sent in these photos of a joey at Mordialloc Beach Source: Supplied
A southerly wind change brought cool relief after the temperature fell dramatically after 6pm.
The city is set for another scorcher tomorrow, hitting a forecast 30C, while Mildura will swelter under 39C heat.
Reader Loren Shallies sent in these photos of a joey at Mordialloc Beach
Rader Loren Shallies sent in these photos of a joey at Mordialloc BeacA grassfire sparked by live firing activities on the Puckapanyal Army Base earlier today.
Defence contractors have brought the fire, 4km northwest of Puckapunyal, under control after the blaze went up in sweltering conditions just after 1pm.

The Country Fire Authority has warned that smoke may be visible from nearby communities and roads.
Locals Maddy, Remy, Issy, Claire, Ella and Sophie Lowrie soak up the sun at Brighton Beach. Picture: Jay Town
Locals Maddy, Remy, Issy, Claire, Ella and Sophie Lowrie soak up the sun at Brighton Beach. Picture: Jay Town Source: News Limited
It took 14 firefighting crews to battle a grassfire at Mt Macedon this afternoon, which spread up to 8ha before it was brought under control.
Fires have also sparked at Echuca, Port Fairy, Rapunyup, Kellalac and Wurruk, in the state's east.
The wind change is set to bring a dose of cool relief for Melburnians labouring under the intense 33C heat.
"It will drop 10C quite easily, if not 10 to 14C. Aireys Inlet peaked at 30C and is now sitting at 25C," Mr Blake said.
But the change is unlikely to bring much of a reprieve in the state's far north, when it is likely to hit Mildura at about 10pm.
There is a total fire ban in the Mallee, with Mildura searing at 37C by 12pm.
Brighton Beach as the mercury soars. Picture: Jay Town
Brighton Beach as the mercury soars. Picture: Jay Town Source: News LimitedThe baking conditions have also caused delays to regional rail services to Seymour and Bendigo, with V/Line implementing heat speed restrictions due to expanding railway lines. 
If the mercury matches predictions it will be the hottest day since March 12, according to Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Scott Williams.
Temperatures will soar to 38C in Mildura, Swan Hill and Kerang. Bendigo, Wangaratta and Seymour will all hit 35C.
Mr Williams predicted this week would unleash a "roller-coaster" of weather with cold fronts expected to hit the city on Wednesday.
There will be a cool change this evening as a strong low pressure system blows in.
Up to 20mm of rain is expected tomorrow as temperatures drop to 20C.
A southerly blast will mean temperatures dropping to 17C on Thursday with forecasters predicting thunderstorms and hail for the city.

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