Wednesday, August 10, 2016

H φωνή της Ελένης. Βουλευτή Πέρθης Αυστραλίας.The Evangel Echo by Eleni Evangel MLA, Member for Perth

Λάβαμε και δημοσιεύουμε απο το Περθ 

The Evangel Echo

by Eleni Evangel MLA, Member for Perth

Welcome to this month's Evangel Echo.

The past few weeks have been especially exciting in the Perth electorate!

I have been working closely with our school communities, and am proud to say that much has been achieved! This State Government continues to invest heavily in education and together we have secured substantial investment for our Perth electorate schools.

Here is a brief rundown of recent Perth electorate school commitments:
  • $2 million allocated for the purchase of the land adjacent to our inner-city Highgate Primary School in this year's State Government Budget. This funding is in addition to the $5.5 million allocated for the eight classroom teaching block, due to open in 2018.
  • Irrigation and turfing of green area, remediation of ceilings and residual current device (RCD) audit conducted at Highgate Primary School.
  • RCD and backflow prevention works conducted at Kyilla Primary School
  • New bike path for Kyilla Primary School, enhancing the safety of students and encouraging children to use bikes at school. 
  • Additional technology to boost science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for Mount Hawthorn Primary School.
  • Re-roofing of the Junior School announced for Mount Hawthorn Primary, construction to be undertaken over the 2016-17 school holiday period.
  • Refurbishment of classrooms and RCD conducted in North Perth Primary School
  • New boundary fence for North Perth Primary School.
This Government's investment into the promotion of our State, together with City projects such as the Perth City Link, Stadium and Elizabeth Quay, will position Perth as a popular tourist destination!

To see the promotional video shown to international visitors at the Australian Tourism Exchange, please click here. It showcases some of the extraordinary places drawing visitors to our State!

I hope you enjoy the rest of this e-newsletter and if you have any enquiries or comments, please do not hesitate to email me.

Warm regards,


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