Monday, July 4, 2011

Watch live the Samos 2011 Summit on “Future Internet: the power to change society”!


More than 80 high-level ICT experts and decision makers from 20 countries will participate in the international Samos 2011 Summit on “Future Internet: The Power to Change Society”, that will take place from 4th -6th July 2011 in the island of Samos. The Samos Summit is being held under the auspices of the European Commission – DG Information Society and Media and is co-organised by the ENSEMBLE FP7 project – a support action to the EC Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster, the Greek Interoperability Centre of the National Technical University of Athens and the University of Aegean. The Samos Summit is supported by research and development centres of Google, IBM, Microsoft, Intrasoft International, Engineering, Whitehall Reply and Athens Technology Centre.
Interesting positions on Policy and Vision for Future Internet Enterprise Systems, presentations on Research and Innovation in the area of Future Internet, interactive workshops on Interoperability Science, Visionary Scenarios for the Enterprise and New research Areas and the ISU are just a part of the 3-day final agenda.
The event will be live broadcasted at: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/8681429 while you may also follow the relevant discussions in twitter @ensemble_FInES, as well as the official tags: #FInES #Samos2011.
More information about the Samos 2011 Summit is found at: http://samos-summit.blogspot.com/ and http://www.fin/

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