Friday, November 11, 2011

NICK SKRECKAS,the boy from Melbourne ON ERT news

O NIKOΣ ΣΚΡΕΚΑΣ ,γεννημένος στη Μεγάρχη Τρικάλων ,μεγαλωμένος στη Μελβούρνη και με σπουδες σε Αυστραλία Αγγλια κ.α εμφανίζεται στα οικονομικά θέματα του"ζωντανού" Αγγλόφωνου Δελτίου  της δορυφορικής ΕΡΤ.
Αναφερόμενος για τα βήματα αυτα .γράφει στο ΦΒ..
On the below TV program link "NEWS4U" you will find some interesting and revealing comments on the recent failings of European leadership - and - the rating agency hijinks that continue ... this time they took an "accidental" swipe at France just yesterday evening ...
No one likes to be unkind or undiplomatic, especially on globally broadcast programs ... but there is also no point doing “PR” and... “pulling punches” ... and I try to religiously avoid the two later in any public comments.
I am not an employee of ERT nor even freelance, so it is with dispassionate detachment that I can assure any reader or viewer that I have never been told to take out any “sting” from a comment. And I have categorically never been asked to be "pleasant and vacuous" on "NEWS4U."
In fact the whole thing is 100% local Greek and 100% absolutely live, so its usually very hectic with up to the minute breaking news. So the whole team there trust and rely on each other to work seamlessly.
.... And they trust...

Συγχαριτηρια Νικόλαε και θα είμαστε πάντα κοντά σου..

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