Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Google EMEA travel and conference grants for female computer scientists

Google gives opportunities to women that are related to computer science to travel for free and to attend expos and seminars

As part of Google's ongoing commitment to encourage women to excel in computing and technology, we are pleased to offer Google EMEA Travel and Conference Grants.
To encourage attendance at technical conferences, we are offering the winners:
  • Free registration for the conference
  • Up to 1000 EUR towards travel costs
To be eligible for a conference grant, the candidate must:
  • Be a female working in or studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or technical field related to the conference subject
  • Have a strong academic background with demonstrated leadership ability
  • Attend the core day(s) of the main conference

How To Apply

To apply, by the indicated deadline, please submit this form by the indicated deadline.
If you think Google should sponsor travel grants to another technical conference, please send your suggestion, together with a justification, to europe-events@google.com.

Eligible Conferences 2012

(ongoing, please check back for new available grants)
GOTO DK (Aarhus) - deadline 15th Aug 2012
RIPE 65 - deadline 24th Aug 2012
JSConf - deadline 1st Sep 2012
Velocity - deadline 1st Sep 2012
EuroBSDcon - deadline 15th Aug 2012
#days / HashDays - deadline 15th Sep 2012
PyCon - deadline 17th Sep 2012
Highload++ - deadline 19th Sep 2012

Winners and claim process

The winner(s) will be notified by e-mail approximately 3-4 weeks prior to the event. If you are selected, you will receive additional information on how to register for the conference and how to receive your travel grant.
For any questions, please reach out to europe-events@google.com.
Googlers on patio
© Google
Article reproduction by Ζωή Τζάρτα

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