Showing posts with label ΕΚΛΟΓΕΣ ΗΠΑ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ΕΚΛΟΓΕΣ ΗΠΑ. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Αμερικανικες εκλογές τωρα..ΦΒ κ.α

Ο Ομπάμα επικρατεί στο Ουισκόνσιν. Ολοκληρώθηκε η ψηφοφορία και στο Κολοράντο και τη Μινεσότα
Κι΄ύστερα σου λέει, ζώον!!!
Ξέρει αυτό, όμως!!!!!!!!
Too funny.

Too funny.
Why Hold the Presidential Election on a Tuesday?

The choice of a Tuesday is most likely because elections in the 1840s were generally held at county seats, and people in outlying areas would have to travel from their farms into town to vote. Tuesday was chosen as people could begin their travels on a Monday, and thus avoid traveling on the Sunday sabbath.

Holding important national elections on a weekday seems anachronistic in the modern world, and it's no doubt true that Tuesday voting tends to create obstacles and discourages participation.

The introduction of early voting procedures in many American states in recent elections has addressed the problem of having to vote on a specific weekday. But, generally speaking, the tradition of voting for the president every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November has continued uninterrupted since the 1840s.

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