H Eλληνική Φωνή της Αυστραλίας,όλων των αποδήμων και των απανταχού Ελλήνων... Ε-mail: efhmeris@gmail.com
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
ΕΜΕΙΣ ΤΟ ΘΕΟ ΕΡΩΤΑ και άλλοι ψάχνουν ...Άγιο!!!
¨Πραγματικα ωραια φωτογραφία και αφου η γνωστη καλλιτέχνις της Μελβούρνης αισθάνεται τόσο χαρούμενη μ αυτά που γράφει παρακάτω (στο Φαίης Μπούκ ...της,)αξίζει να την βραβεύσουμε... Δε νομίζετε;
Walking down Chapel St and I heard screaming. I turned around and saw a bunch of people running up to this guy taking photos, someone passing told me it was a singer from Canada, I walked a bit closer and to my surprise it was `The One and Only` Michael Buble :-)) I pulled out my camera asked for a photo and he whispered in my ear `wow you are beautiful` aww I blushed ;-)) lol Thats my shy smile- haha!!
Μ αρέσει...προπαντός η σεμνοτυφία..Κρύβουμε το πρόσωπο και παρουσιάζουμε άλλες πτυχες του σώματος που μπορει για πολλους /ες να αναστατωνουν.. Παρμενο απο τη σελίδα I Love Egypt..
Drifting in and out on Valentine’s day
Drifting in and out on Valentine’s day
By stillawake– February 20, 2011Posted in: Baby
Six days old
I’m not quite ready to talk about the labour. At least not in any narrative styled format. There are some fragments which feel a little more accessible so I will pass those on instead.
Light contractions started on Friday 11 February and they were accompanied by a need to drink lots of sweet, earl grey -decaf- and feeling utterly drained as if I had the flu.
I spent Sunday in bed counting the time between contractions. I watched bits and pieces on my ipod playlist including The American and Hot in Cleveland.
We went to the hospital at 11.30 on Sunday night and were sent back. I was confused about the reference of waiting until the pain was unbearable but I began to understand what they meant from 2.30am onwards.
My plan had been to go through the birth alone but between 2.30 and 5 in the morning I wasn’t able to let go of G’s hand and he stayed with me through the whole thing.
St Michael’s hospital has an impressive view of south Bristol which was lovely at night with ‘electricity so fine’. After the epidural kicked in at around five in the morning the sunrise on Valentine’s day was even nicer.
I was fully dilated at 8.15. I could’t push until 9.15. The epidural stopped working around 10. I went into theatre after 11 and the first questions I asked when she was finally delivered were what time was she born? and ‘what colour is her hair?’
I lost a litre and a half of blood. She weighed 10lbs and two and a half ounces.
I had a ‘spinal’ which numbed me from the chest down in case I needed a Caesarean but before that I would have agreed to anything for some pain relief. I remember thinking that the form they got me to sign could not possibly be enforceable in a court of law.
I was quite chatty and complained about the CIA and waterboarding and tried to explain why torture was appalling. The anesthetist said that at least I hadn’t lost my sense of humour. I’m not sure why he thought I was joking.
Her first two nappies were put on by the hospital staff. The first nappy I put on was with the help of G and we put it on backwards. Luckily it was him that got told this after he took her to be examined by the doctors at the hospital.
She cries in hysterics when she is hungry but sings a warbling note of discontent when slightly unhappy that sounds like ‘al-lah’. The volume descends until she’s barely whispering. The sound is quite reverential and sounds like ‘why hast thou forsaken me’.
When she’s upset she pinwheels her arms as if she’s bowling overarm – a cricket analogy that came from papa. Sports references are not the first place I would dip into but this one stuck with me.
Her mood swings are instant and she gets distracted for around 10 seconds before remembering whether she was upset or not.
When she finishes feeding she places her head on both her arms and falls asleep scrunched down on my chest.
The G and I are convinced that she doesn’t come across so well on photographs so we keep taking more and more in order to capture how beautiful she is.
Still not too sure who she looks like but am thinking that she has my eyes.
I’m not quite ready to talk about the labour. At least not in any narrative styled format. There are some fragments which feel a little more accessible so I will pass those on instead.
Light contractions started on Friday 11 February and they were accompanied by a need to drink lots of sweet, earl grey -decaf- and feeling utterly drained as if I had the flu.
I spent Sunday in bed counting the time between contractions. I watched bits and pieces on my ipod playlist including The American and Hot in Cleveland.
We went to the hospital at 11.30 on Sunday night and were sent back. I was confused about the reference of waiting until the pain was unbearable but I began to understand what they meant from 2.30am onwards.
My plan had been to go through the birth alone but between 2.30 and 5 in the morning I wasn’t able to let go of G’s hand and he stayed with me through the whole thing.
St Michael’s hospital has an impressive view of south Bristol which was lovely at night with ‘electricity so fine’. After the epidural kicked in at around five in the morning the sunrise on Valentine’s day was even nicer.
I was fully dilated at 8.15. I could’t push until 9.15. The epidural stopped working around 10. I went into theatre after 11 and the first questions I asked when she was finally delivered were what time was she born? and ‘what colour is her hair?’
I lost a litre and a half of blood. She weighed 10lbs and two and a half ounces.
I had a ‘spinal’ which numbed me from the chest down in case I needed a Caesarean but before that I would have agreed to anything for some pain relief. I remember thinking that the form they got me to sign could not possibly be enforceable in a court of law.
I was quite chatty and complained about the CIA and waterboarding and tried to explain why torture was appalling. The anesthetist said that at least I hadn’t lost my sense of humour. I’m not sure why he thought I was joking.
Her first two nappies were put on by the hospital staff. The first nappy I put on was with the help of G and we put it on backwards. Luckily it was him that got told this after he took her to be examined by the doctors at the hospital.
She cries in hysterics when she is hungry but sings a warbling note of discontent when slightly unhappy that sounds like ‘al-lah’. The volume descends until she’s barely whispering. The sound is quite reverential and sounds like ‘why hast thou forsaken me’.
When she’s upset she pinwheels her arms as if she’s bowling overarm – a cricket analogy that came from papa. Sports references are not the first place I would dip into but this one stuck with me.
Her mood swings are instant and she gets distracted for around 10 seconds before remembering whether she was upset or not.
When she finishes feeding she places her head on both her arms and falls asleep scrunched down on my chest.
The G and I are convinced that she doesn’t come across so well on photographs so we keep taking more and more in order to capture how beautiful she is.
Still not too sure who she looks like but am thinking that she has my eyes.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Aspro e to charti - Ghetonia
Απο τις περιοχες της Κατω Ιταλίας που ονομάζονταν Μάγκνα Γκρέτσια. Οταν έχετε καποια εκδρομή υποψιν ,ενημερωστε με ,πολυ θα ήθελα να παω .
Μεχρι πότε θα χαμογελούν οι καμήλες;
ΑΝΝΙΝΟΣ:ΣΥΓΚΛΟΝΙΣΜΕΝΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΣΕΙΣΜΟ και πικραμένος απο τα επεισόδια στα Ελληνικα γήπεδα,ο Πρέσβης στη Νέα Ζηλανδία!!
Ο κ.Άννινος |
-Είμαστε συγκλονισμένοι απο το σεισμό αλλα και πολυ πικραμένοι απο τα επεισόδια στα Ελληνικά γήπεδα που κάνουν το γύρο του κόσμου και μας ντροπιάζουν ανεπανόρθωτα..
Τη δήλωση αυτη έκανε ,πριν λίγο, προς την εφημερίδα μας ο Έλληνας πρέσβης στη Νέα Ζηλανδία Δημήτρης Άννινος.. Σχετικά με τα επεισόδια στην Αθήνα το ανέφερε λίγο πριν κλείσουμε τη συζήτησή μας για να τονίσει ότι είναι απαράδεκτο να εμφανίζει η πατρίδα μας εικόνες εμφυλίου πολέμου εξ αιτίας των αποτελεσμάτων σε ποδοσφαιρικούς αγωνες..
Παντου ερειπια..για περισσοτερες φωτογραφίες ,απο τη sydney Morning Herald,πατηστε παραπάνω |
Για τον σεισμό των 6,3 ρίχτερ στη δευτερη μεγαλύτερη Νεοζηλανδέζικη πολιτεία, ολόκληρη η Αυστραλία έχει στραμένο το
ενδιαφερον της εκει και όλοι οι σταθμοί τηλεοράσεως ειχαν έκτακτες¨"ζωντανές αναμεταδόσεις απο την περιοχη της τραγωδίας...
Μεχρι πριν λίγο ήταν γνωστα τα εξης..
- Κατέρρευσαν κτίρια ενώ υπάρχουν δεκάδες εγκλωβισμένοι σε συντρίμμια που φλέγονται
- Σωστικά συνεργεία φτάνουν από την Αυστραλία - Σε κατάσταση έκτακτης ανάγκης η πόλη
- Δεν έχουν αναφερθεί έλληνες μεταξύ των
θυμάτων - Συνεχής Ενημέρωση
Παντου υπάρχουν ερείπια. Η πόλη των 400.000 κατοίκων θυμίζει βομβαρδισμένο τοπίο. Τα κτίρια, τα περισσότερα από αυτά είναι φτιαγμένα από ξύλο, έχουν καταρρεύσει σαν χάρτινοι πύργοι. Αρκετοί άνθρωποι είναι εγκλωβισμένοι στα συντρίμμια ενώ άλλοι έχουν παγιδευτεί σε κτίρια που παραδόθηκαν στις φλόγες.
Μέχρι στιγμής όπως ανακοίνωσε ο πρωθυπουργός της χώρας Τζον Κι υπάρχουν 65 νεκροί ενώ υπάρχουν φόβοι ότι ο αριθμός των νεκρών θα αυξηθεί.
Ο δήμαρχος της πόλης κήρυξε το Κράιστσερτς σε κατάσταση έκτακτης ανάγκης. Μάλιστα είπε πως είναι σαν να βρίσκεσαι σε εμπόλεμη ζώνη.
Η πόλη της Κράιστσερτς είχε κτυπηθεί από τον Εγκέλαδο και μόλις πριν από πέντε μήνες, με δόνηση έντασης 7,1 βαθμών της κλίμακας Ρίχτερ, αλλά τα έργα αποκατάστασης των ζημιών παρεμποδίστηκαν σημαντικά από μια σειρά μετασεισμικών δονήσεων.
Δεν υπάρχουν Έλληνες μέσα στα θύματα
Ο Έλληνας πρεσβευτής ανέφερε πως επικοινώνησε τηλεφωνικά με τον πρόεδρο της ελληνικής κοινότητας της πόλης Κράιστσερτς, κ.Χαλουμή, ο οποίος τον διαβεβαίωσε ότι, μέχρι στιγμής, δεν έχουν αναφερθεί Έλληνες μεταξύ των θυμάτων.
Με μερικούς ακόμα Έλληνες της περιοχης που συνομίλησα πριν λίγο,είπε,δεν εχουν υπόψιν καποιο ασχημο επεισόδιο ..
Ο Δ.Άννινος πρόσθεσε ότι η τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία στην περιοχή είναι προβληματική και πως «είναι πολύ νωρίς ακόμα για να ξέρουμε τον ακριβή αριθμό των νεκρών». Είπε ότι έχουν καταρρεύσει κτίρια, κάποια πάνω σε πούλμαν με επιβάτες και ότι «υπάρχουν εγκλωβισμένοι σε οχήματα και σε κτίρια». Στην περιοχή που επλήγη από τον σεισμό ζουν περίπου εκατό Έλληνες.
Monday, February 21, 2011
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