Showing posts with label GREEK NEWS IN ENGLISH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GREEK NEWS IN ENGLISH. Show all posts

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Ev. Venizelos: The country cannot stand more demagogues or populism

07/07/2012  21:45

"Renegotiation is an absolute necessity"
Ev. Venizelos: The country cannot 
stand more demagogues or populism
Speaking in the House during the second day of the
 programmatic statements of the government, Evangelos
 Venizelos characterized the need to renegotiate the
Memorandum as an “absolute necessity”...  
Tsipras to Samaras: You mislead the Greek people
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07/07/2012  21:57
Harsh attack from the podium of Parliament
Tsipras to Samaras: You mislead 
the Greek people
An all out attack on the government was launched
 by Alexis Tsipras during his first speech in the House,
Kouvelis: We are the Left, which assumes its responsibilities
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07/07/2012  22:10
"The framework of government is realistic
and progressive"
Kouvelis: We are the Left, which
 assumes its responsibilities
DEMAR’s role was characterized by Mr. Fotis Kouvelis
as the “Watchful eye” that will guarantee a full
 alignment of the...  
The government opens a "Front" against recession and unemployment
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07/07/2012  22:28
Samaras' guidelines
The government opens a "Front"
 against recession and unemployment
His guiding principles of the government for the containment
and reversal of the recession and the creation of conditions...  
Loan installments will not exceed 30% of incomes
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06/07/2012  21:58
Samaras and the programmatic statements
Loan installments will not exceed 30% 
of incomes
While reading the programmatic statements PM Antonis
 Samaras described in nine steps the guiding principles
of the government to reverse recession  
SYRIZA premiere in parliament as the opposition
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06/07/2012  10:44
Organizational fever in view of the programmatic
SYRIZA premiere in parliament as 
the opposition
In view of the three days of programmatic statements of the
government that begin on Friday evening and end at midnight
on Sunday, the SYRIZA camp has been taken over by
organizational fever. The party leadership knows that during
the next few days they will be required to act as the opposition in...  

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